Tuesday 13 March 2012

A Trice of HAPPINESS . . (ep. 3)

A very tiny cat with some mud on walking nearby my brother while he's accompany 
my mum at the wet market . . 

- At home - 
He'd changed from a muddy cat into a fully milky white fur . . The tiny he is, the younger he is . .  Aey bet he's a month two weeks . . Hmm . . 

The past is the best teacher . . He is placed inside the house. Since he is too small, the shoe box was quite enough for him as a shelter .. Instead, there still a large space for him . . Then, we put some fabric as the base layer and it could covered him when he still sleeping . . He just like a baby in the house . . 

Since he is too small and couldn't savors mama's milk . . The loving housefather bought kitten's milk just for him.. See ? He's really attractive !

OK, here's got milk . . But, how to feed him ? Huh! Another question mark . . ! Again, that kindly father bought a kitten's bottle cost twelve dollars . . 

Within her situation without protective mum, he had to be independent in order to survive. Hmm, the weapon is claws and small teeth . . 

Aey'm not so daring with him yet as he never stop biting . . Aey'd used small towel and covering all parts of him especially at the claws area to avoid some CUT (hyperbola) and scar . . Then, Aey'll feed him with that 'cheap' bottle . . 

Badly, the stalk couldn't stay longer . . So, next ? !

We went to the supermarket and bought a bottle that contains sweets . . We bought it two as preparation . . It only costs two dollars . . Much expensiviers ! Ah! What a word ?

Seems like it's stay longer . . Haha ! Unpredictable . . ! 

Almost 3 weeks after, he fall sicks . . Flu . . ! He keeps on sneezing . . Before things gettin' worst, we brought him to the veterinar . . He got the same antibiotics as Tiara had, a new syringe and a bottle of eye drop. They said this antibiotics kinda sweet vice versa to the cats as they don't like sweet . . The milk powder is also need to stop as it made him diarrhea. Plus, we have the right age of him now, 7 weeks . . Not far from Aey's conjecture . . Good !

Good news, now Aey'm not using towel but both my hand . . Huhu ! Finally, Aey brave to handle him. His claw and biten wasn't hurt . . Well, he's a baby right ? Hmm, kind of amused . If Aey know that earlier Aey wouldn't burden myself to have towel everytime to feed him . . 

Days by days . . The condition gettin' bad . .  He seems tremendously tiring !
He sleeps all day long . . We REALLY worried about him. We really wished things won't comes twice . . 

U n t i l   t h e   f a t e   m a d e   i t   s o  .  .  

He roll over here and there weakly, very  w e a k . . Just imagine it . . One's called everyone's . . Surrounds him . . After few moments, he tried harder to looked at everyone's surrounds him  d e e p l y  . . Just to make sure he's not alone . . Everyone's gaving him support, spirit in order to stay stronger . . My eyes starts stagnant with tears . . 

After few weeks with us,
After few weeks of excitement, joyness,
After few days falling sick, 
After few days having medicines . . 
After few moments he brood us over . . 
After all those precious time we had together . .
After all the songs together,
After, a f t e r, 
a f f t t e e e r r . . . 

The fate let us see Ronaldo for the last time . . 
until the last breath . . 
The fate let we touch you . . while you're still breathing, honey
The fate let us be with you ...
until your golden moments, which not everyone get it, darling
The fate let you know that you're not goin' alone, love . . 
The fate still gave you chances to live longer suviving with us, dear 

U n t i l    t h e    f a t e   l e t    t h e   l a s t    b r e a t h i  n g   o c c u r s . .

Even you're gone . . The memories with you compactly etched in our minds . . And neither will be erased nor forgotten . . 

W E    L O V E S    Y O U ,   R O N A  L D O  .  .  !

To be continued . .  .

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